Vol. 12, No. 2, July 1974 - "Environmental Management"
(pp. 3 - 9)
James T. Lorelli
Bloomsburg State College
The primary strategy in the management of American floodplains against flood loss has been the building of structural works such as dams, levees, and upstream storage reservoirs. Since 1936 the total investment in this form of water resources management has totaled several billion dollars. The fact remains that increases in the estimated annual flood loss have accompanied federal expenditures in flood control.
(pp. 10 - 12)
Richard A. Santer
Ferris State College
Contemporary geography can and should play a vital role in the numerous developing environmental programs on campuses, in government, and in industry. Many late-Twentieth Century college curricula show a high degree of specialization perhaps reflecting a society which has placed a disproportionate faith in an improved quality of life through specialization. Nevertheless, today individuals trained as a generalist can make many significant contributions especially in environmental management, a realm involving interrelationships of an endless variety of specialized disciplines, The instructor and student of Geography trained in the interrelationships of both the physical and social sciences is ideally suited for coordinating efforts and investigating environmental problems. It is contended here that geographers should become more involved in environmental programs, especially those in institutions which have traditionally served teacher preparation programs. This contention is based on need for diversification in geographic service, the recognition of the facts of a declining birth rate, and the alleviation of most teacher shortages for the time being.
(pp. 13 - 22)
Donald P. Brandt
Edinboro State College
The subject of open space reservation, its methods and constraints, has been aired in various disciplines, especially in the tomes of law and planning. Since these sources are so diverse, a synopsis of the different tools available to governments to regulate land use might be of value. Specifically, the land use control devices that have applications for open space reservation are examined.
(pp. 23- 27)
Thomas Rich
Public School, Arlington, Virginia
The purpose of this research is to determine if a relationship exists between the perception of pollution as an environmental crisis and political response focused on controlling pollution. The study developed as a response to an article, by Cahn, concerning public perception of pollution. (1) The article cited a recent poll, taken by Gallup, as evidence that Americans were perceptive of the dangers of pollution to the physical and cultural environment. Cahn substantiates this belief by the majority response to the poll. This response indicated that a majority of Americans were willing to have their taxes increased to cope with the pollution problem. Thus he implies a relationship between perception of pollution and willingness to be taxed to combat the problem. If we consider the above article and poll in light of recent work done on environmental perception, we can refer to pollution as an environmental stimulus and the willingness to accept a tax boost as a response to this perceived stimulus.