2014 Annual Meeting - State College, PA

Click here to view the meeting program

Student Award Winners:

First place, Graduate paper contest: Joe TokoshIndiana University of Pennsylvania, Declining Retail Establishments: The Case of Century III Mall

Second place, Graduate paper contest: Rachel Applebaum, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Spatial Manifestation and Trends of Cremation in Pennsylvania

Third place, Graduate paper contest: Kelsey Kilhoffer,  Shippensburg University, Establishing a Baseline Groundwater Chemistry Database for Evaluating Future Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) on Groundwater Quality in Bradford County, Pennsylvania

First place, Undergraduate paper contest: Anthony DiBiase,   Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, A Geographical and Sociological Study of Parking Patterns in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania

Second place, Undergraduate paper contest: Terri Hoover,  Shippensburg University, Consumption Geography in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Consignment Shops, Thrift Stores, and Firsthand Clothing Outlets in Relationship to U.S. Census Demographic

First Place, Graduate student poster/map contest: Carolynne Hultquist, The Pennsylvania State University, Machine Learning for Post-fire Burn Severity Assessment in Diseased Forests

Second Place, Graduate student poster/map contest: Carolyn Fish, The Pennsylvania State University, Are You Blind to Change? Evaluating the Influence of Change Blindness in Animated Choropleth Maps

First place, Undergraduate poster contest: Sam Jacobson, Salisbury University, Developing a Small Water Bodies (SWB) Geodatabase for Wicomico County

Second place, Undergraduate poster contest: Jack Swab, The Pennsylvania State University, Whose Hand is on the Tap? Examining the Political Structure of Water Providers in Harford County, Maryland 


PGS Award Winners:

Ruby S. and E Willard Miller Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Joseph Bencloski, Emeritus Professor of Geography at Indiana University of Pennsylvania

(presented by John Benhart, Jr., right)

Distinguished Scholar Award: Dr. John Benhart Jr., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

(Presented by Awards Chair Matin Katirai, right)

Distinguished Teaching Award: Dr. Mario Majcen, California University of Pennsylvania

Distinguished Geographer AwardDr. Petra Tschakert, Penn State University

(Presented by PGS Past President Jodi Vender, left)

The Pennsylvania Geographical Society exists to promote effective geographic teaching, research, and literacy.

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